Serenity IT Services BVBA has established this cookie & privacy policy to inform you about the cookies it places on its website and about the processing of personal data of registered and non-registered users of the Services of Serenity IT Services BVBA, in this document also referred to as “Serenity IT” .
Responsible for the processing of personal data is the company Serenity IT Services BVBA (Chamber of Commerce number BE 0684.663.513), established in 2300 Turnhout, Belgium.
Serenity IT – “services” are defined as: all current and future electronic or digital services that Serenity IT offers, such as its (mobile) website, all digital applications, digital news services (such as newsletters and blogs) and archives, as well as all subscriptions it offers (such as software update or service subscriptions), which are used by natural or legal persons or where natural persons or legal persons subscribed to (hereafter: “services”).
Relationships (hereafter: “relationships”) should be understood to mean (i) all natural persons and organizations that purchase and have paid and unpaid services from Serenity IT and (ii) all natural persons and organizations that use one of the contact channels (telephone, e-mail, letter post, website, account manager) and have shared data with Serenity IT.
Types of cookies and purposes
Websites use useful techniques that increase ease of use and that make the sites as interesting as possible for every visitor. Serenity IT uses cookies on its website as part of its services. Cookies are small text files that are stored on the hard disk or in the memory of your computer.
This cookie policy applies to the website and applications of Serenity IT mentioned in this document. Serenity IT thinks it’s very important that you know which cookies are used on the website and for what purposes that happens:
Functional cookies:
cookies that are necessary for the services of Serenity IT to function. For example, Serenity IT uses these cookies to enable logging in to the websites or to remember settings from the page.
Analytical cookies (anonymised):
cookies that analyze the use of so that we can improve the quality and / or effectiveness of the website. Serenity IT uses these anonymized cookies to see how often and how long (pages of) its website are visited, from which website(s) users come from and in which order users visit the different pages of its website.
To receive the information about the use of the website, Serenity IT uses the Google Analytics services of Google Inc (‘Google’). Serenity IT always anonymizes data from analytical cookies before it shares them with Google Analytics. However, we do pass the IP address to Google Analytics – see “Tracking cookies” below.
Tracking cookies:
with your permission Serenity IT and third parties collect information via cookies about the use of the Serenity IT website and the interests of users. Cookies are explicitly not used to adjust ads to the interests of users.
Serenity IT uses tracking cookies only with the permission of users, among other things, to maintain personalized statistics via Google Analytics. We do not store the IP addresses within Google Analytics anonymously, which means that we have a good indication of the location (to place name) of our visitors.
Social Media cookies:
on the website, with your permission, personalized social media cookies can be placed by Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Youtube. Social media cookies ensure that users of the services can directly share the content of the Serenity IT website via social media with others.
Serenity IT has no influence on this and refers for more information to the statements that these social media parties provide on their own websites: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter an YouTube.
In case we use the embedding of YouTube; this party also keeps information about viewing behavior through these websites when viewing these videos. We do not embed it in privacy mode.
Adjust cookie settings
When you enter website for the first time a popup is shown asking for your permission to use cookies. Via the button Advanced Settings, you can adjust the level to which you want us to use cookies. Default level is set at “Advertising”, but you can change this by adjusting the slider to your desired level.
Furthermore, you can use your browser settings to refuse the use of cookies by the Serenity IT website and / or third parties, remove cookies placed or ensure that you first receive a warning before cookies are placed on your browser and / or computer. Note that you must adjust the settings separately for each browser and computer you use.
- More information about cookie settings Chrome
- More information about cookie settings Firefox
- More information about cookie settings Internet Explorer
- More information about cookie settings Safari
- More information about cookie settings Opera
The (personal) details of relationships are treated and secured with the utmost care by Serenity IT. We collect and processes user information, including personal data, for the following purposes:
- the offering and execution of services
- to comply with the laws and regulations that apply to it
- managing the user accounts
- improving its services by, for example, showing relevant personalized articles and newsletters to our relations, for example. their preferences and interests
- carrying out research / analysis and compiling management information to improve its services by, for example, analyzing which services are best / least assessed and most / least used
- sending it by email or on a website displaying a (personalized) offer, newsletter, user information, service message or other electronic message.
What data is processed
The data (including personal data) processed by Serenity IT can be divided into three categories:
- Information provided by relations to deliver the service to which it subscribes; such as name, address and city, e-mail address, telephone number, bank account number. Processing of these data is necessary in order to be able to deliver the purchased services.
- Derived data; we obtain data through the use of our digital services (website, newsletters); such as device data, articles read, location of reading (in this at the municipality level), clicks on text links and advertisements, as well as data on the use of a platform, time, read topics and clicks. This data is only processed with the consent of users (see also the chapter “Cookie Policy”)
- Data resulting from the incidental contact that relations have with one of our contact channels (telephone, email, letter post, website, account manager, etc ..); such as notes of conversations, customer questions, complaints and participation in research. This contact can be initiated by relationships and by Serenity IT itself.
Storage & security of data
The collected data is stored in various source systems of Serenity IT; in its website database, administration, or in the earlier indicated third parties. The data will in no way be used for the purpose of lending, renting, selling or otherwise disclosing the data.
Third party websites
When you click on an internet link in one of the services that leads you to a website of a third party, you leave the Serenity IT service. The terms and conditions of use and this cookie and privacy policy of Serenity IT do not apply to the use of the websites of third parties, but different conditions apply. Serenity IT is in no way responsible for the use of third-party websites.
Engaging third parties
Serenity IT can use the services of third parties for the execution and exploitation of the services, for example to carry out website-related services. These third parties may have access to your personal data. Serenity IT will oblige these third parties not to disclose your personal information, except to the extent necessary for the execution of the services.
Transfer other countries
In countries outside the European Union (hereinafter “the EU”) the same protection is not always offered to your data as in countries within the EU. However, sometimes it may be necessary for Serenity IT to pass on your data to those countries, for example because the (servers of the) companies are located there that support it or are engaged by it in the execution of the services. Serenity IT is entitled to transfer your personal data – to implement the services – to countries outside the EU.
You guarantee Serenity IT that all information you provide is correct and complete and that you are 16 years of age or older. If you are younger than 16 years of age, you must first request permission from your parents / guardian before using the services. By agreeing to this cookie and privacy policy, you warrant that you are 16 years of age or older, or that you have obtained the consent referred to here.
View & correction
If you want to know which personal data has been recorded for you and / or if you wish to have your personal data corrected, supplemented or removed, click here:
Here you can leave your e-mail and then you will receive an e-mail within a few minutes. You can request a list of where your information is stored on our website (provided you use the same device and browser as you used to request). You can then make a request to anonymize your information. We will process this request as soon as possible and if this is done you will receive a confirmation by e-mail.
It is also possible to send an e-mail to, stating ‘privacy’. At your request, Serenity IT will (have) corrected and / or supplemented your personal details if these prove to be incorrect and / or incomplete. At the same time Serenity IT will (at your request) delete your personal data if your personal data prove to be irrelevant for the purpose of the processing, unless and insofar as the law requires us to keep the relevant personal data or (other) urgent reasons that oppose removal.
Change data & privacy policy
It is possible that the cookie & privacy policy of Serenity IT is extended or changed. It is therefore useful to regularly consult this cookie & privacy policy and the related cookie policy of Serenity IT.
For questions about this cookie & privacy policy, please feel free to contact us:
phone: 0032 498 683 958
Serenity IT Services BVBA
Last updated: June 15th, 2018
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